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Additol XL 297 is a nearly waterwhite liquid with excellent yellowing resistance in the light and in the heat. It specifically prevents skinning af Additol XL 297. Beide Stoffe ergänzen sich in ihrer Wirkung, sodass optimale Effekte in Bezug auf Hautverhinderung, Trocknung und Glanz.Additol® Xl 255 N product card banner. ADDITOL® XL 250, ADDITOL® XL 255 N, ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL®.To prevent skin formation the use of 1 - 2 % Additol XL 297 on resin solids is recommended. An effective defoamer is Additol VXW 4909.ADDITOL XL 6577 can load up to 50% more inorganic pigments and fillers compared to other dispersants in SB paints and pigment preparations.ADDITOL XL 297ADDITOL® XL 109/50LG - NETADDITOL - allnex - Knowde
Additol® XL 6514/80 is a wetting and dispersing agent for solvent born and solvent. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.Additol® XL 123 N is a flow agent and defoamer based on a modified silicone oil,. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL ® Dispersing, leveling, defoaming, drying additives. 0.3 ADDITOL XL 297, ADDITOL AS 297u (anti-skinning). 0.7 ADDITOL VXL 4930, ADDITOL FL 4930u.ADDITOL® XL 6577 is a low molecular weight additive, which is especially able to. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.2100 and ADDITOL. ®. XL 480 were developed to promote leveling and. and leveling additives such as ADDITOL. ®. XL. 490 and MODAFLOW. ADDITOL® XL 297.ADDITOL - allnex - KnowdeLow VOC High solid Alkyd for Decorative Paint - Cytec - YumpuADDITOL® XL 6514/80 - allnex - Knowde. juhD453gf
ADDITOL® VXW 6503 N is a levelling and substrate wetting agent based on a. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL®.. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL® XL 480, ADDITOL® XL 490, ADDITOL® XL 6514/80, ADDITOL® XL 6557, ADDITOL®.. ADDITOL® XL 186, ADDITOL® XL 204, ADDITOL® XL 250, ADDITOL® XL 255 N, ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL® XL.ADDITOL® VXL 4951 N is a highly effective defoamer in solvent-containing paint. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.270, may prevent the settling and a combination of Additol XW 372 with. Additol VXW 4909 may prevent the foam formation. An addition of Additol XL 297 is.avoided by leaving out Additol XL 297. Addition of driers. With Resydrol AY 586w/38WA only water-emulsifiable driers such as Additol. VXW 4940, VXW 4940 N,.ADDITOL® VXL 6237 N is a cationic, highly molecular resin-like wetting and. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.Skinning can be avoided by addition of Additol XL 297. Alkyd resin emulions show a general tendency to foam formation. Addition of appropriate.ADDITOL® XL 6531 is a solution of defoaming polymers without silicone. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL® XL.Additol® XL 255 N is an electroneutral wetting agent and dispersing agent for. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.Additol® XW 6565 is a unique multifunctional universal grinding medium,. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL® XL 109/50LG is a specific antioxidizing agent for oxidizing paint systems. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.Additol XW 376 at ratio of 1 : 1. Skinning can be avoided by addition of 1 - 2. % Additol XL 297 (referred to solid resin content). Pigment sedimentation is.ADDITOL® VXW 6208/60 is a polymeric non-ionic dispersing and wetting additive for. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL® VXL 4950 is an adhesion-promoting primer for plastics. ADDITOL® XL 255 N, ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.Antiskinning agents like Additol XL 297 and drying regulators like Additol XL 109 are recommended. The total film thickness, particularly of.ADDITOL® XL 255 N Technical Data Sheet - EN. ADDITOL® XL 250, ADDITOL® XL 255 N, ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL® VXW 6386 is a defoamer based on special hydrocarbons,. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL® XL 480,.Additol® XW 330 is a wetting agent and dispersing agent suitable for both. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.Additol® XL 180 enhances intercoat adhesion of stoving paints and fast drying. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL® VXL 4992 serves as wetting and dispersing agent in high-body UP knifing. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL® VXL 6212 is a cationic, highly molecular resin-like wetting agent for. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.0.69 ADDITOL® VXW 6206 (drier) allnex. Add slowly under good agitation. 2.0. 0.26 ADDITOL® XL 297 (anti-skin) allnex. 10.0. 1.48 Sec-butanol.Additol XL 297. Vianova Resins, today Cytec. 0.50. Antisettling agent. Additol XL 280. Vianova Resins, today Cytec. 2.30. Calcium carbonate. Millicarb.To prevent skin formation the use of 0.5 - 1 % Additol XL 297 on solid resin is recommended. STORAGE. At temperatures up to 25 °C storage stability packed.ADDITOL® XW 6591 is a water dilutable, modified polyester-acrylate polymer. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297,.ADDITOL® VXW 6206 is an emulsified, nonylphenylethoxylate free. ADDITOL® XL 260 N, ADDITOL® XL 270, ADDITOL® XL 280, ADDITOL® XL 297, ADDITOL® XL 480,.Additool%202009. also prevents in–can skinning ADDITOL® XL 297 Anti-skinning agent; special oxime 100% sw Mainly in–can preservation; no influence on.